Last evening my father (86) was not feeling well. Since September of 2010, he has experienced a string of illnesses, one after another, bringing us to the present. Being a Veteran, WWII Marine – China/South Pacific – We took him to the ER at the VA Hospital to be checked. Fortunately, this time, he returned home with us. Just a blockage in his catheter, all tests were negative, great news!
Every visit to the VA Hospitals in MA are a good experience speaking from a “service” level. EVERYONE is always respectful of my father, professional, thorough, caring, compassionate, gentle and patient. Tests are taken, results are explained, solutions are offered and discussed. It is comforting to know that My Hero, My Father, is respected, appreciated, and cared for in a way that all our Heros, Soldiers, Veterans, who fight for our safety and freedom, should be, always.